vendredi 10 mai 2024

Wayne's World 2 - Garth and Honey at her home

Honey: Thanks for coming in with me - I'm always a little afraid of coming in by myself.
Come!... Come on!... Oops!
Come on - sit down...and I'll fix this little drink, okay?
There you are: an old-fashioned.
Garth: This Coke's gone bad!
Honey: I just love a man with a sense of humor.
You know what I'd wish?
Honey: I'd wish I could climb up inside of that big old brain of yours and just walk around.
Garth: Really?
Honey: You know what I love?
Garth: What?
Honey: I love the way those big thick glasses magnify your pupils.
Garth: Oh...
Honey: Look at me!... I'd bet you like to be in control. Tell me...
Garth: Well, er, when I was seventeen my little sister tried to borrow my Def Leppard record. I said: "no way!"
Honey: Now that's exactly what I'm talking about.
Garth: Oh, my God, you're so limber!
Honey: Don't you just love music?
Garth: Do you have any Megadeth?

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